中国 2019年互联网发展报告:去年电子商务交易量超过31万亿;在前三个季度中,10月21日,海南的

ShopSuite电商系统2019-10-21 09:00:20电商资讯

1. National standards for quality monitoring of e-commerce products are released

On October 21st, the State Administration of Markets and the National Standardization Administration approved the issuance of more than 50 national standards including 《电子商务交易产品质量网上监测规范》 at 浙江 义乌 yesterday. Among them, 《电子商务交易产品质量网上监测规范》 national standards are mainly formulated for how to discover the hidden dangers of online trading products in time, and will provide technical support for risk warning and control of e-commerce transaction product quality. (中国 News Network)

2. 中国 Internet Development Report 2019: E-commerce transaction volume exceeded 31 trillion last year

October 20th news, the 6th World Internet Conference held a press conference today, releasing 《中国互联网发展报告2019》. The report shows that in 2018, 中国 e-commerce transactions amounted to 31.6 trillion yuan. ( 电商报 )

3, fight as many as possible to respond to "two choices one": looks like a business contract with the business, but in fact hidden technical violence

The essence of "two choices" is to use the market dominance to implement "exclusive transactions." The big platform requires merchants to "stand up" between slightly larger platforms and smaller platforms, and not forcibly choose merchants. The consequences are subject to various mandatory conditions. In this process, only the big platform itself is benefited, and the consumers and thousands of merchants are damaged. It seems to be a commercial contract with the merchants, but it hides technical violence. ( 创业邦 )

4, 海口 Customs: The first three quarters 海南 Inbound and outbound postal items reached 99,000 Could not resolve host: Name or service not known

随商信息技术(上海)有限公司 b2b2c多用户商城系统是基于PHP技术的企业级电子商务平台系统,系统支持平台自营、招商加盟和多商家入驻、集成微信商城、移动端APP商城、微信小程序于一体。公司主营业务包含商城系统定制开发、新零售系统解决方案、电商平台系统定制开发、商城网站建设服务等等,ShopSuite为大、中、小企业提供一个安全、高效、强大的电子商务解决方案,协助企业快速构建、部署和管理其电子商务平台,拓展企业销售渠道,致力于推动PHP技术和电子商务行业的发展而不断努力。
